Answers to our questions about food

We are learning some interesting facts and food habits from our friends in Europe. In class we heard from our friends in Sweden and we saw we have a lot in common. These are the answers from our friends in England, who have recorded the answers using graphs. Thank you for sharing.

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A trip to the theatre

Every year in English we organize a trip to the theatre. It’s a special play for schools and we get educational materials in advance to make the most of the activity. This year the title we chose for our classes was «Treasure Island«. During the play, the actor and actress of the company bring children onto the stage and they take part in the plot. The rest of the audience participate a lot with songs and dances too. Some students and teachers disguised themselves as pirates as we had just celebrated Carnival. Teachers and pupils enjoyed the play and later we have displayed some work we have done on our corridor displays (characters description, the plot, designing a book cover, a treasure map, etc.) We hope you like it.

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Healthy eating

As part  of the topic we are doing in Science we have learnt about the different food groups, what each group does for us and what a healthy diet is. We have designed a food pyramid on the computer. We have used Paint  to design the pyramid and Microsoft Word, where we have inserted food Clipart. This is an example. We will also use arrows and text boxes to label the different groups.

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In Literacy we have learnt some poems:»My dinner», «Salad», «Our teacher says». We have also kept a record of what we eat in a week in a food diary and we’ll find out if it’s healthy.


We think this blog is a good opportunity to learn about food customs in your countries so we have prepared some questions for you. We are really interested in the meals timetables and we would like to see your school menu, if possible.
1. What are your favourite foods?
2. What is the typical food in your country?
3. How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day?
4. What time do you eat your meals?
5. Do you study the food pyramid at school?
6. What do you eat at your birthday parties?
7. Do you eat a snack at playtime?
8. Do you eat your lunch at school?
9. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
10. Who cooks in your houses?



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We celebrated Peace Day

And these are some of the things we did on Friday 29th January:

First we had an assembly with the Year 3 classes. We shared poems, songs, and a play by Year 4: «The story of the colours».


Later, in the playground we had a special gymkhana. We had to do different things in groups such as: make a puzzle, face painting, a Peace  word search, make the word PEACE with our bodies…

We enjoyed it very much. That week we also created some mandalas and did other special activities in Spanish and in English.

After the break the whole school met in the playground and we danced a song together. It was «Under the same Sun», by Jennifer López and Álvaro Soler. Our Music teacher had taught teachers and pupils the dance. It was great!

You can watch the video on this link. 

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Peace Day

In schools in Spain Peace Day is celebrated on 30th January. In our classes we have been doing special activities, in Spanish and English,  and on Friday 29th the whole school will share a dance in the playground.

In year 4 we have read some stories that teach us how important helping others is, how to be a good friend. We have sung some songs that you can listen to in our years 3 and 4 blog

We have also made a Peace card with a mandala and watched a video which we want to share with you. Peace for kids:

When do you celebrate Peace Day?

What is Peace for you? We would like to hear your ideas.

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Christmas decorations at school

We have decorated our school with different ornaments. This corridor is in the Infants area and  and parents have helped to make these Christmas balls. Aren’t they beautiful?bolas infantil

In Primary the classrooms and corridors are also decorated. Christmas cards have been our suggestion to decorate the school this year.


We used the balls and the cards to make a presentation that you can watch if you visit our website:

We also have a Christmas tree in the hall.


Merry Christmas everybody!



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Christmas is near

acueducto navidad

This is the Christmas decoration by the Aqueduct in Segovia this year.

Christmas is near. Our Christmas holidays start on 23rd December. The last day of this term we’ll have a Christmas festival, we have prepared some carols, dances and plays.

This is how we celebrate Christmas in our country, though there are different beliefs and each family has their own traditions:

Christmas in Spain, as in many countries around the world,  is an important celebration. In December towns are decorated with lights, Christmas trees and Nativity scenes.These are the special dates we celebrate:

  • 24th December (Nochebuena): On Christmas Eve families get together and have a special dinner.
  • 25th December (Día de Navidad): On Christmas Day many Spanish children receive some little gifts from Papá Noel (Father Christmas), even though they receive their main gifts from The Three Kings (Los Reyes Magos) on 6 January!
  • 28th December (Día de los Santos Inocentes): In Spain, the 28 December is similar to April Fools’ Day because people play tricks on one another.
  •  31st December (Nochevieja): Families and friends celebrate the last day of the year and 12 grapes are eaten at midnight, one grape for each stroke of the clock and for each month of the year to come. Those who eat the twelve grapes believe they will have twelve months of good luck.

In lots of towns  a popular race takes place on the last evening of the            year and some runners wear disguises.

  • 1st January (Día de año nuevo) and 6th January (Día de los Reyes) are the last celebrations before going back to school.

Before that day the children write letters to the 3 Wise Men, mentioning     the gifts that they would like to receive. On the night of 5 January there   are 3 Kings parades in cities, towns and villages.


A special cake called «roscón de Reyes» is eaten on this day. It is a ring-shape and is covered in coloured sweets and jellies. The colourful decoration represents the sparkling jewels worn by The Three Kings, (Los Reyes Magos).
Inside the cake, there is a lucky charm or even money! The belief is that if you find the charm in your cake, it will bring you good luck for the new year.


After Christmas we will let you know how we spent our Christmas holidays.

From our school we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



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Have a nice weekend!

These last two weeks we IMG_9629have looked at our partners’ blogs and we have shared what we have been doing with them.

Your comments to our posts gave us some work, that we use to learn English, so we have been really busy but we we are enjoying  this project we are doing together.

We wish you a nice weekend and will hear about the Swedish school next week!

From classes 4A and 4B-El Peñascal

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Chocolate truffles Recipe

Did you know that Columbus brought back many products from America that people in Europe had never seen?

Potatoes, tomatoes, sweetcorn and tobacco were among the new products taken back to Spain.

The cocoa bean from which we make chocolate was also a new discovery.

In appreciation of this we are going to make chocolate truffles in class.

This is the recipe:

chocolate truffles

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Comparing school years

We like to learn about other schools. We  had a look at the English school year and the distribution of terms and holidays and we compared it with ours. We found out that we have lots of things in common but also some differences.

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This is the activity we did in groups. Then, individually, we had to think of some more.

comparing school terms

Can you tell us what a bank holiday is? And also if you celebrate Carnival.

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