Healthy eating

As part  of the topic we are doing in Science we have learnt about the different food groups, what each group does for us and what a healthy diet is. We have designed a food pyramid on the computer. We have used Paint  to design the pyramid and Microsoft Word, where we have inserted food Clipart. This is an example. We will also use arrows and text boxes to label the different groups.

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-14 a las 21.49.17

In Literacy we have learnt some poems:»My dinner», «Salad», «Our teacher says». We have also kept a record of what we eat in a week in a food diary and we’ll find out if it’s healthy.


We think this blog is a good opportunity to learn about food customs in your countries so we have prepared some questions for you. We are really interested in the meals timetables and we would like to see your school menu, if possible.
1. What are your favourite foods?
2. What is the typical food in your country?
3. How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day?
4. What time do you eat your meals?
5. Do you study the food pyramid at school?
6. What do you eat at your birthday parties?
7. Do you eat a snack at playtime?
8. Do you eat your lunch at school?
9. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
10. Who cooks in your houses?




Infants (3-6) and Primary (7-12) school in Segovia, a beautiful town near Madrid. A bilingual integrated English-Spanish curriculum is taught since 1996.
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Una respuesta a Healthy eating

  1. Ellie dijo:

    Me (ellie), Megan, Natasha and Sophia are working hard to answer these questions so your answers are on their way (-:

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