A trip to the theatre

Every year in English we organize a trip to the theatre. It’s a special play for schools and we get educational materials in advance to make the most of the activity. This year the title we chose for our classes was «Treasure Island«. During the play, the actor and actress of the company bring children onto the stage and they take part in the plot. The rest of the audience participate a lot with songs and dances too. Some students and teachers disguised themselves as pirates as we had just celebrated Carnival. Teachers and pupils enjoyed the play and later we have displayed some work we have done on our corridor displays (characters description, the plot, designing a book cover, a treasure map, etc.) We hope you like it.


Infants (3-6) and Primary (7-12) school in Segovia, a beautiful town near Madrid. A bilingual integrated English-Spanish curriculum is taught since 1996.
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2 respuestas a A trip to the theatre

  1. Jack dijo:

    What was the plot? I would love to hear it!

    Me gusta

  2. Ellie dijo:

    That sounds really fun. at the end of our school year, year 6 (us) out on a play as well (-:

    Me gusta

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